All participants add their ideas, inspired by virtual events held around the world by local organizers in each city.
The city with the most ideas will receive the award for the most creative city.
What is the problem you are trying to solve with this idea?
Describe the problem you have identified.
Unnaturally volatile and immune-deficient water corridors. Widespread alien vegetation in and near rivers. Alien Invasive Plants (eg. Spanish Reed) near rivers are easily uprooted causing destabilisation of river banks and flooding when they collect on culverts and bridges
Who are the users who will benefit from this idea?
Describe the people who will benefit from implementing your idea.
Riverside communities
Flood vulnerable communities
River users
The General Public
Infrastructure Departments
Any South African looking to earn extra income by addressing the prevalence of alien vegetation.
Landowners in South Africa
The South African state responsible for damage control during times of disaster
Mother Earth
Describe your idea in detail.
Write your idea in detail, what it is, how it works, area where it can be applied. Add all the details that you think are important.
Green Bonds: Interested agents can invest in green bonds for long term return on investment.
The City & Council: In the name of damage prevention, state custodians can provide an initial liquidity pool motivated by the prospect of damage prevention for future flooding.
Returns are generated by organisations with high carbon emission levels to subsidise this initiative by purchasing green credits to offset their own carbon crimes.
Tokenomics An inclusive community issued currency
An incentive program to encourage the generative stewardship of public and private land with the specific goal of reducing the presence of alien vegetation & solid waste.
Proposed is a complex system of creating stakeholders for a fund to incentivise actors of all backgrounds to participate in the removal of alien vegetation
An incentive can be designed in the form of a token/digital currency with a value anchored by a combination of the productive capacity of the participating agents and organisations, the current investment into the ecosystem, and the overall state of alien vegetation prevalence in given areas.
Agents receive credit/tokens/fiat for every kg of alien vegetation removed
In order for removed alien biomass to qualify for credit issuance, the vegetation must be replaced by indigenous plants
Issuance of tokens/reward for alien removal is given on a weekly/monthly basis scaling proportionally to the land's healthy biodiversity rating.
In order for removed alien biomass to qualify for credit issuance, the vegetation must be replaced by indigenous plants.
Issuance of tokens/reward for alien removal is given on a weekly/monthly basis scaling proportionally to the land's healthy biodiversity rating.
Any interested participant can participate in removing alien vegetation in return for credit issuance/fiat/rebate.
Any interested participant can participate in removing alien vegetation in return for credit issuance/fiat/rebate
In order for removed alien
What are the most important benefits of this idea?
List the direct and indirect benefits, in qualitative and / or quantitative terms.
Cleaner Rivers
Clean public areas
Job creation
Reduced blockages that cause floods
Reduced flooding
Reduced property damage
Reduced economic interruption
Clean and healthy water corridors
Peace of mind wrt approaching flooding
A healthy ecosystem, indigenous bio-diversity
Immunity to natural disaster (flooding, weak & unbound soil)
Inclusive income streams for interested participants
Inclusive income streams for interested participants.
What resources do you need to implement your idea? How do you plan to get them?
Do you have a team to start the idea? Describe the members and their profiles
What are the implementation phases? What are the dates of each phase?
What is unique about your idea?
In which region do you have the initial implementation planned?
Do you have the knowledge and technological means to make the idea come true? Describe them
Describe your economic plan to maintain your project over time.