Todos los participantes añaden sus ideas, inspirados en eventos virtuales realizados en todo el mundo por los organizadores locales de cada ciudad. La ciudad con más ideas recibirá el premio a la ciudad más creativa.
young learners
Use simple stop go animation to look at counting and multiplication ideas. Students would use plasticine or models and split them or move tem around whilst taking individual photos. These would be joined together (with free software) to create animated stories.
fun experience with students learning abstract concepts (like multiplication and addition) and also learning other skills (photgraphy, animation, story making)
Camera and PowerPoint (Microsoft) and way of spreading the idea to schools probably by our own connections at the university
We are a university and have a access to academics, lecturers and students to help bring ideas forward. We also have many business connections which we can partner up with if required.
I would lead/coordinate. My name is Karl McCormack. I am a Senior Lecturer in The Business School and a Pedagogic Innovator at Staffordshire University in the UK.
Short term: build a bank of animations as examples. Then communicate it to schools locally
Long term: share results and spread nationally / globally through websites like Bic Creative community.
Memorable way to learning, learn digital skills and make learning fun.
Local, UK then national.
We are a university and have a access to academics, lecturers and students to help bring ideas forward. We also have many business connections which we can partner up with if required.
We also have the latest technology including 3d printers, CAD machines and specialist software. Faculties such as business, arts, mechanical engineering, architecture, bio science etc are able to come together to help bring an idea forward.
See no cost implications