Todos los participantes añaden sus ideas, inspirados en eventos virtuales realizados en todo el mundo por los organizadores locales de cada ciudad. La ciudad con más ideas recibirá el premio a la ciudad más creativa.
All students of life. This model is ageless, raceless, genderless. This is equity for all.
Implementation will be specific to schools.
Often times we are faced with opportunities for growth that we simply cannot see, as they are disguised in pain. This tool shows the progression of how being present, honest and loving with yourself and the people around you can quite literally change your entire life. You start to open up avenues of opportunity that you've never experienced before and align to the path of YOUR STORY.
What are we doing??? Teaching the tools and practice of Concious Communication. This programme guides you to the secret POWER of your voice, how to find your authentic voice to align to YOUR story, and how to effectively communicate with others. You will learn to mutate and mitigate all conflict and have deeper connections and trust with the people around you.
The future lies within the development of the Crack Your Own Code app. The gems of CC along with other tools will be packaged in an iteractive intuitive game called Crack Your Own Code. Concious communication workshops as well as other workshops facillitated within the Heartspace will act as the physical test model and research collection for Crack Your Own Code.
How will this change the world?The model will speak to everyone. We as a collective will start to bring forth evolved solutions that confront world challenges. we'll start to co-create our new world, by connecting people with the autonomic healing of one’s body-mind and spirit.
We'll move from debating to and mutual growth.
We shall train the next generation to effectively communicate their ideas, so they are empoered in their own creative solutions.
This programme creates conection across the divides of miscommunication.
Creating a population that is honest and loving with themselves and others.
More opportunities for the world
And we'll develop restorative and regenerative behavior shifts.
People ( the most important resource )
My mom is the founder of what is called The Heartspace. A space set up at diverse venues across South Africa providing integrative health experiences.The team of about 100 heartspace facillitators and all of the people who have experienced have my back I have a core team at the Heartspace company to support and facillitate me.
Laetitia is an experienced facillitator in NVC and trains facillitators of NVC. She has the programme model.
We'd need a more people to go through facilitatior training.
Start up capital:
We are called in to facillitate concious communication sessions monthly.
Schools to start workshopping at
- We already have a list of school leads that potentially wan
Parents and locals donate a certain amount to us every month to fundraise toward anti-bullying campaigns.
Crowdfunding and sponsorships
Edward and I monetizing our Concious Communications podcast
I have an army behind me!
The Heartspace team would provide space for our facillitation
Osun rise helps devolop the strategy
I have experienced psychologists and life coaches at my fingertips.
Edward Ivor Hazell would be doing the podcast with me, we have all the recording equipment.
These are all heart centered, emotionally intelligent, creative people.
Doing personal facilitations in schools, businesses, couples and families call us in to teach them the tools of CC.
LEARN from each other by listening
We HONOUR the other by expressing respect, listening, accepting
IMPROVE the others life by asking questions, lifting the other
Write a blog about my experience of coming out of the existing school system
Start a weekly podcast called Walk The Talk having concious conversations with people.
Get investors
Work with health brands
This model is scaleable
It is a unique way to approach mental health solutions.
This model is mutable to its environment.
Not many spaces like this exist
South Africa
I am working with exceptional psychologsts and life coaches in Cape Town.
Yes, I can share my experience of coming from a rigid school system. When I was in school, I had the idea of creating a circle within the school to be honest and share our magic, but I was turned down an shunned by teachers, which was wrong. I noticed that this was not only relevant to my story but other students too. So i left school and embarked on my own inner and outer journey. By unlocking the cage for myself. , to unlocking the cage for myself.
I want to share how concious converation got me out of my cage.
The schools, will be funding us to come do workshops with them every month.
Completely funded with the money from the parents.
Student that enter the cc group can become facillitators too.
With the application:
Over time, the application will become a passive form of income. The facillitations will be funded by the community.
We can run sponsership campaigns and crowdfunding
We can get investors by health focused businesses.