All participants will add their ideas, inspired by virtual events held around the world by the local organizers of each city. The one with the most ideas will receive the award for the most creative city.
During lockdown compost and recyclable waste is being burnt, therefore putting more CO2 into the atmosphere. It would help to reduce this, as people would no longer be sending their foodwaste off, they would be reusing it or giving it to their local community.
Home owners, gardeners, community allotments
I want to create a compost house, so instead of sending waste to be burnt, people will either reuse it to fertilise their own plants or give it to neighbours. It could either be made our of biodegradable materials that would last about 5 years (for the large version that would live it the garden) or the smaller versions that would be made from recycled plastic that would live in the kitchen. It would have an air tight seal to eliminate an oddurs. Inside would be a reuseable bag that stores the compost.So, that is easier to remove from the house and transport to your allotment or communites gardens.
- Neighbours feel more connected with eachother
-Waste is being Reused, which is not only cost effective and it will benefit the environment, as less CO2 is release into the Atmosphere
-Free fertiliser
-It could encourage people to start gardening
-It reduces the waste produced by your communites as a whole