Tous les participants ajoutent leurs idées, inspirées par des événements virtuels organisés dans le monde entier par des organisateurs locaux dans chaque ville. La ville qui aura le plus d'idées recevra le prix de la ville la plus créative.
Students - primary and secondary school
Allow students to think outside of the box and move from theory to practical learning. Provide students with the platform to move away from the notion of right/wrong or black/white.
Students are used to being conformed into one way of thinking. They are either good or bad, right or wrong, smart or not, creative or conventional. The education system that is currently in place makes that a reality and kills creatvity. It also doesn't allow students to think outside the box and always has them thinking in a unidirectional manner. This impacts students as they enter the corporate or professional world where they tend to get crippled when facing an issue that requires creative thinking. Schools need to provide students with the space to think freely as each person reaches their creativity differently. They need to allow students to approach acadmic topics in ways that suit them and work for them and help them gather information in an effective manner, to them. The platform could be through debates, ways of studying, or any other form that suits the culture and environment.
Encourages creativity
Build confidence
Breaks norms and conformity