Tous les participants ajoutent leurs idées, inspirées par des événements virtuels organisés dans le monde entier par des organisateurs locaux dans chaque ville. La ville qui aura le plus d'idées recevra le prix de la ville la plus créative.
First of all, students (as with this idea, they are the ones who will become the "customers" of educators / teachers) but also the entire education system that hasn't evolved yet to match the needs of the new generations.
We always hear that Consumer is King... why not considering that even a Student is a King. Indeed, students represent the future "active population" and as such their educators / teachers should have the deepest understanding of their specific needs, aspirations... and gain insights about them ? The idea is to recruit a researh agency which would work on a "Students' connect program". The idea is to have educators / teachers attend these "Students' connect" sessions on a regular basis, to better understand their "customers" needs and leverage this understanding to creatively improve / if not personnalize their education methodology and approach.
Deep understanding of students (attitudes, actionable insights...) to improve the education methodology and approach.
Investment support from BIC, as one of our key target audiences are Teachers / Educators. We already have a program in Morocco targeting them and this idea fits as an extension to this existing program.
BIC Human Expression Marketing Team. In Morocco we are 3 (2 seniors and 1 junior), all with Market Research expertise. We can thus deploy this concept locally.
Brief the Marketing Research Agency / Define the methodology & Approach including the students Profiles to address / Get a Quotation from the Research Agency > 2-3 weeks
Communicate the Planning of the Students' Connects to Schools and enroll Teachers' / Educators > 2-3 weeks
Roll out the Students' Connects Program (Students' interviews) > 2 weeks
Get Teachers' / Educators feedback and insights after the Students' Connects > Right after each Students' Connect (Heat of the moment reactions) + through a questionnaire 10 days later
Students’ insights collected and leveraged in a structured manner
Scalability as the Students connect Program can happen Digitally (no barriers to collect insights)
Casablanca, Morocco where we already have a program targeting teachers.
The team is from a Marketing background, and has a lot of connections with national and international research agencies that could roll out these "Students' connect Program
We will target private schools, so teachers and educators have access to computers, to attend the Students' connect remotely
After the test phase, these students' connect won't be ad'hoc anymore but change into an omnibus type, targeting different schools and happening periodically. Schools will have to pay a basic contribution to the Market Research Agency, which will also benefit from all the data collected through this study (youth / students being a key target audience across many categories, industries, companies...).