Tous les participants ajoutent leurs idées, inspirées par des événements virtuels organisés dans le monde entier par des organisateurs locaux dans chaque ville. La ville qui aura le plus d'idées recevra le prix de la ville la plus créative.
The students will benefit from learning ways to problem solve even when they might not immediately know the answer. Rather than having them plan to master test taking, we can encourage students to find creative ways to solve problems.
This will not only helps students but also future employers who have new recruits who are more capable and have skills that better translate to the working world.
Learn to leverage tests that push students out of their comfort zone. Teach students problem solving techniques rather than have them memorize facts.
Use harder tests with a curve rather than a test where you expect people to get everything right. The real world is much more about getting as close as you can to a solution rather than getting every single thing perfect (this can be helpful but you can still learn how to do that later in life, much harder to teach problem-solving later in life).
This will change how people approach problems and lead to a generation and future of people who know how to come up with a solution rather than just look one up.