Tous les participants ajoutent leurs idées, inspirées par des événements virtuels organisés dans le monde entier par des organisateurs locaux dans chaque ville. La ville qui aura le plus d'idées recevra le prix de la ville la plus créative.
It can be difficult to figure out how you'll find the time to integrate new ideas and creativity into an already busy teaching day, here's some food for thought. It will take longer to teach a lesson three times than it will to teach it once using a little creativity so just teach one of the sessions creatively and see the difference. Make time for creativity. Most creative activities take only a few minutes to do, they also require very little prep time and cost very little money, if any. So go ahead -- be a risk taker and try to be creative atleast once a week. I'm sure you won't regret it, but make sure you tell others what you have done
My classroom is a happy place to be because I use creativity to make learning fun. I promote Living life every day like a turtle! To get anywhere, a turtle has to stick its neck out and take a risk. So take risks every day. It's the only way to truly live and make a difference in the world.
Risk taking and creativity go hand in hand, but it creates a better learning environment.