Tous les participants ajoutent leurs idées, inspirées par des événements virtuels organisés dans le monde entier par des organisateurs locaux dans chaque ville. La ville qui aura le plus d'idées recevra le prix de la ville la plus créative.
All pupils from public schools. This is because the private schools try to endeavour to provide all the necessary materials needed for a learner to thrive.
The only way to learn by doing is to practice what you've learned. Any subject that does not allow for practice time is considered inefficient. In most public schools, teachers place a greater emphasis on delivering more notes and handouts than on the significance of having a hands-on session for each topic addressed. As a result, it becomes tedious and difficult for students to properly comprehend themes and courses; in addition, teachers are unable to fully assess students because the practical part is always lacking. This is demonstrated by the quality of examination outcomes.
To improve practical learning in public schools, schools must take active steps to guarantee that the necessary tools for a subject are available even before the subject is introduced to schools, regardless of whether the school is in a rural or urban area. Finding the correct teachers for the disciplines is also necessary, rather than improvising with people who appear to be capable of teaching the subject but not having a background in it. Once the tools and the relevant teachers are in place, it will be necessary to create a schedule that allows a learner to practice at their leisure rather than simply during class.
Practical work has obvious advantages, as it aids students in acquiring the necessary skills that not only allow for a smooth transition to higher education, but also allow them to pursue a career. Improving practical learning in schools will engage students in the subject and assist them in gaining a better understanding of the issues covered in class. Many transferable abilities can be developed through practical activities at all levels of education. In other words, such abilities can bring value to students and help them succeed in their chosen careers because practical sessions are frequently utilized to pique students' attention and passion, as well as to aid them in memorizing information.
Funding is needed in the area of Music, Swimming pool, football pitch, research rooms, laboratories, etc. The plan of getting this resource is through initiating fundraising, ventures from within schools, corporate social responsibilities from the private sectors and calling on the education sector set aside money for this cause.
There is no team yet, but school heads and ministry of education can help identify specialized people to help in this regard.
The phases of implementation will be according to the Zambian Ministry of Education's plan to change the whole school curriculum.
This idea is unique because it doesn’t allow people to drop out of school due to failing of some subjects, but it creates room for learners to practice what they learn thus gaining more knowledge and nurturing their interests
Yes, we have a local team in place and would work with the Ministry of Education.
Funding from the ministry of education and the fundraising ventures from schools such as farming within school premises.