Todos los participantes añaden sus ideas, inspirados en eventos virtuales realizados en todo el mundo por los organizadores locales de cada ciudad. La ciudad con más ideas recibirá el premio a la ciudad más creativa.
Secondary, high school and University educators / teachers around the world
The idea is about launching an education oriented social media plateform, where educators and teachers would be able to connect. They would constitute a community which focus would be about generating and sharing creative and educative content. Besides connecting the wide community, this social media platform will also allow filtering the educators / teachers in sub-communities based on the courses and grades they teach. This way, they could work together on new educational projects, share ideas and courses content...
Giving a higher sense of belonging to the teachers / educations and creative content co-creation / generation
Investment support from BIC, as one of our key target audiences are Teachers / Educators. We already have a program in Morocco targeting them and this idea fits as an extension to this existing program.
BIC Human Expression Marketing Team. In Morocco we are 3 (2 seniors and 1 junior), all with Digital expertise.
Brief the Digital agency on developing the Social Media Group / Get a Quotation from the Digital Agency > 2-3 weeks
Develop initial content for the Social Media Group > 4 weeks
Communicate the idea to Schools and enroll Teachers' / Educators and advertise the Group to increase subscriptions > 4 weeks
Get Teachers' / Educators feedback and insights on how to adapt the Social Media Group to their needs > 3 months
Be the initiator of a Teachers' / Educators Community and leverage all the creativity that can be sourced from such community.
the Digital aspect of this idea enables it to be implemented Worldwide. However, this SM group should ideally connect Teachers / Educators from the same grade and courses to maximize insights' gathering, community discussions...
We will be supported by a Digital agency to implement this project.
The Social Media platform / Group will enable us to collect data about Teachers / Educators. This database can be leveraged to market products and services to this community and this has a value.