Tous les participants ajoutent leurs idées, inspirées par des événements virtuels organisés dans le monde entier par des organisateurs locaux dans chaque ville. La ville qui aura le plus d'idées recevra le prix de la ville la plus créative.
Society as a whole
Get a popular leaders, celebrities to host an hour-long debate program for children that each week features topics on environment and social issues. This encourages critical thinking, develops research skills, and gives a platform to a multitude of perspectives while allowing children to develop confidence in public speaking.
Develop Creative Hubs
Mobile Arts and Crafts Vans that can travel to a new location each week to engage locally with the issues of each particular community; where children can spend a whole day collaborating with their neighbours to each contribute their own hand-drawn picture to create giant paintings that can be added to over time.
Create an open-source database/collection of local oral history through facilitating a giant project that gets children excited and curious about their own community history by engaging with elders, parents and neighbours and researching their local origins, myths, and stories. Developing research skills, critical thinking, and encouraging deeper knowledge and pride in their own cultural history.