Todos los participantes añaden sus ideas, inspirados en eventos virtuales realizados en todo el mundo por los organizadores locales de cada ciudad. La ciudad con más ideas recibirá el premio a la ciudad más creativa.
The first collective impacted by the Coronavirus were the elders. They are a group always in risk for several reasons (ageism, sickness, solitude, etc)
The idea is to create an space for them to join as a collective and to integrate with other collectives and interest groups to create projects and establish alliances:
Main User: Elderly
Other users: Families will have their elder people more happy and cared
Young people that will benefit from the experience of the elderly. Social Service pratitioners can also complete their College duties with this collective
Companies and professional: They will be able to find a collective to offer products and services collectively, offering better price for the collective but gaining a huge market
Public sector: Health and social institutions will be allieds on this, The wellness of the elderly will benefit the situation in the towns where the Gray Garden is reaching
Es un ecosistema omnicanal - Servicios y Productos por y para adultos mayores.
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