Todos los participantes añaden sus ideas, inspirados en eventos virtuales realizados en todo el mundo por los organizadores locales de cada ciudad. La ciudad con más ideas recibirá el premio a la ciudad más creativa.
The current pandemic has shown to the world how inneficient and badly distributed are the producers, manufacturers and suppliers of goods and raw materials in the whole supply chain and how globalization has thin out reserves for certain materials and products to certain areas and countries. Thus, an alternative to aglomerating all materials in all areas, its a much better approach to strategically create banks which are within reach of population that demad their needs. However, this means a perfect communication from what population needs to what producers and manufacturers should concentrate their efforts on. Data Science and Block-chain could gain terrain to be the active responsible to sustainably distribute products to each area that need it the most, areas that by analysisng their compsumption will not need as much in a future and recomendation systems to what materials and products must get to certain areas much before they appeared to need it.
Big cities that cant stop even for a pandemic, health care workers and manufacturers.
In detail, we need to first create a optimal supply chain for an specific city. Once we know what could be best, then we can remodel it to be what can be done given situations. Funding should be provided from public and private fonds that are involved in the supply chain.
Managers should be data oriented and data science teams would be extremly necessary to really optimized supply chains and predictions.
Initiallym, we need to create centers where health care workers and population in general could feel relieved of having necessary stocks of the materials needed to tackle the pandemic.
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